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July 2016
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Learn How
to Research
Survivor Records
at July Meeting of
Jewish Genealogy
Henry Bitterman is the featured speaker
at the Wednesday, July 6 meeting of the
Jewish Genealogy Society of Cleveland.
His appearance is co-sponsored by the
Kol Israel Foundation.
Bitterman will share his research on
how his father, Mayer Bitterman, survived
the Holocaust and will also cite exam-
ples of those who were righteous among
people encountered. Bitterman will also
illustrate ways to find lost family, explore
different methods of recovering World
War II documents, provide useful web
sites and contacts, and suggest proce-
dures for saving individual histories of
Holocaust victims.
Bitterman's interest in genealogy re-
sulted from his father's being a Holocaust
survivor and the murders of his grand-
parents, uncle and many relatives by the
Nazis in World War II. He has identified
more than a hundred family members on
his father's side. From his research, he has
uncovered events from the lives of his
grandparents, uncle and father.
Bitterman earned a Master's degree
in rehabilitation counseling from Kent
State University and his undergraduate
degree in Blind rehabilitation. He worked
for the Cleveland Society for the Blind as
an orientation and mobility specialist. He
recently retired from the Cuyahoga Coun-
ty Board of Developmental Disabilities
after 35 years of service as a Habilitation
The Jewish Genealogy Society of
Cleveland meets on Wednesday evenings,
starting at 7:30 pm, in the Miller Board
Room at Menorah Park. Board members
are available from 7 pm to assist with
individual research questions. Guests are
welcome. RSVP to Programming@Cleve-