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12 Beachwood Buzz September 2016
Is It An Eating Disorder?
ating disorders are more common than many
people think. In the United States alone, millions
of individuals struggle with eating disorders,
including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder,
compulsive overeating or other specified feeding and
eating disorders (OSFED). Such problems with food
can have serious, even life-threatening consequences.
Signs and Symptoms
Eating disorders can be hard
to detect, especially when some-
one hides their struggle with
food. But missing the warning
signs could lead to negative
long-term effects on physical,
mental and emotional well-be-
ing. Be on the lookout for these
symptoms and behaviors:
· Rapid or persistent increase or
decrease in calorie intake
· Dramatic weight loss or gain
· Frequently talking about food,
weight or body image
· Purging, restricting, binge
eating or compulsive eating
· Abuse of diet pills, laxatives,
diuretics or emetics
· Hiding food or eating in secret
· Denial of symptoms
· Excessive or compulsive exercise
· Physical complications, such
as dizziness, fainting, bruising,
menstrual irregularity, leg
cramps, dry skin, brittle hair
and osteoporosis
Did You Know?
· Eating disorders don't dis-
criminate. Females and males
of all ages, backgrounds, and
ethnicities are at risk of devel-
oping the illness.
· Eating disorders occur for
many reasons. Often there
are biological, psychological,
emotional and social factors
behind the development of an
eating disorder.
· Eating disorders can be deadly.
Anorexia has the highest mor-
tality rate of any psychological
· Eating disorders often occur
along with other illnesses or
trauma. Substance use disorder,
sexual abuse history, depres-
sion, anxiety disorder, morbid
obesity and post-traumatic
stress disorder often present
along with eating disorders.
· Eating disorders are prevalent
among men and boys. About
10 percent of people struggling
with eating disorders are male.
Just like women, many men
and boys feel insecure about
their bodies or are coping with
a distorted body image.
Treatment Options
So how can you treat an eat-
ing disorder? Treatment usually
includes some combination
of psychotherapy or counsel-
ing with careful attention to
nutrition and medical needs. But
eating disorders are as unique as
individual people. There isn't a
precise treatment "formula," and
care providers should work with
individuals to determine the
best course of action. If you think
you or someone you know might
have an eating disorder, seek out
a treatment center that provides
flexible, personalized support.
The Emily Program, which has
an outpatient location in Beach-
wood and residential facility in
Cleveland Heights, is nationally
recognized for its personalized,
compassionate approach to
eating-disorder treatment.The
Emily Program offers a range
of programs and services,
including individual therapy,
group therapy, family- and cou-
ple-based therapy, nutritional
evaluation and medical services.
For additional information on
eating disorders and treatment
options, call 1.888.EMILY.77
(1.888.364.5977) or visit www.
Images of Wellness, LLC
by Jane P Ehrman, M.Ed.
I believe the answers to many
of our challenges are within us.
Guided imagery, clinical hypnosis
and relaxation have long been
established, through rigorous
research, as beneficial mind-body
practices. Interactive Guided
ImageryTM is a mind/body practice
that enables you to use your mind
in positive and healing ways. Many
refer to imagery as visualization,
though imagery incorporates
all of the senses. Some benefits
include: Relief from stress, anxiety,
pain, treatment side effects, a
more balanced immune system,
effective preparation and recovery
from surgery and other proce-
dures, and faster healing. Imagery
improves skills, performance and
memory recall.
You have powerful inner re-
sources such as: Wisdom, intuition,
insight, strength, determination,
and courage. When cultivated,
these qualities enable you to
bring your best to health and
life circumstances. My role is to
guide you through the process to
obtain the information and insight
necessary to achieve resolution,
personal growth and healing.
If you want to move through
your life experiences with greater
empowerment, strength and
wisdom, I welcome the oppor-
tunity to work with you. Call
440.213.1872 for more informa-
tion or to set up an appointment.
Health &
Jane P Ehrman, M.Ed.
Owner, Images of
Wellness, LLC